Fees and Benefit Coverage
Talk Based Therapy
160.00 per clinical hour
Clinical hour consists of 50 minutes in session and 10 minutes of note taking outside of session
Consultation for Mental Health Professionals
150 per clinical hour
Clinical hour consists of 50 minutes in consultation and 10 minutes of note taking as well as connecting to any resources discussed in consultation session
EMDR and Trauma Focused Therapy
170.00 per clinical hour
Clinical hour consists of 50 minutes in session and 10 minutes of note taking outside of session
Extended Health Benefits
Registered Social Workers and other mental health professionals are often included in extended health benefit plans. Please check the details of your benefits and ensure that services would be covered and be aware of your coverage amount. Receipts will be provided after payment is completed after each session and you will be able to submit for reimbursement from your benefit company, similar to another “paramedical” service such as massage therapy.
Non-Insured Health Benefits
NIHB will be directly billed for the cost of sessions at the same rate as advertised for non-NIHB individuals. NIHB does not cover missed appointments and that would be the client’s responsibility to cover. Please discuss cancellation policy at time of inquiry if you have questions or concerns about this.